Posted September 8, 2023 at 11:10 pm by detectors-shop
GOLDEN WAY DETECTOR is The fastest and easiest device to detect underground gold, bronze, and silver coins
device with an electromagnetic system (VLF) to detect underground buried gold, raw gold and ancient coins
Research System: VLF System
Objective: Raw Gold
Underground search Depth: 3 meter
Warranty 2 years
Made in Germany
Golden Way device integrates an advanced automatic (VLF) system with high accuracy in identifying metals, up to a depth of 3 meters underground.
The fastest and easiest system to detect gold nuggets, raw gold, underground gold, bronze, and silver coins.
This device provides gold prospectors with high efficiency, low cost, and ease of use.
You can start searching immediately without wasting time programming the device.
Golden Way device proved high efficiency through an extensive practical experience all over the world.
Golden Way device has several advantages that will turn beginners into professionals in prospecting and obtaining the best results.
Detectors Shop Company in Dubai, authorized agents and wholesale distributors for the Ger Detect Factory and major international factories.
United Arab Emirates – Dubai – Deira, Salah Al Din Street, near Salah Al Din Metro Station, Technical companies Building, 3rd Floor, Company No. 301
To order or inquire about the device:
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