Posted September 19, 2023 at 11:18 am by OrbiLogiinn

Orbi Purple Light

You might have faced this issue several times in your Orbi router. Some people call it purple light and some people call it magenta light. Both are the same problem. If you have got frustrated with this issue, then do not panic. We are providing some of the basic and easy procedures to follow. All Netgear Orbi routers have been built with the latest mesh technology. Therefore, these devices are amazing in themselves. Although the setup process is simple and easy. Still, some users may get confused and face errors. The users who don’t have any technical knowledge of the Orbi login process can struggle with the login process.

Solutions Orbi Purple Light:

1. Reboot your Orbi router

1. Turn off the power of your Orbi router by pressing the power button available at its back.

2. Wait for a few minutes. If the LED light does not light strong blue or orbi blinking white, then turn it on again.

3. Wait for the power LED lights to be stable. After that, check if you are still getting Orbi purple light or it is resolved. 

4. If your problem persists, then there may be something wrong with the hardware or the setup system of your Orbi router.

2. Update the router firmware

  1. To update the firmware of your Orbi router, connect the mobile to the WIFI network.
  2. You can even connect a computer as the configuration device to your router using an Ethernet cable. 
  3. In this case, you have to connect the router to the WAN port of the modem. Here use another Ethernet cable.
  4. Connecting your orbi router directly to the modem and the computer using the Ethernet cable does not require a password.
  5. If you are going through the WIFI network, then enter the admin username and password.
  6. Firstly, you need to enter or into the search bar of the web browser. And then hit the enter key.
  7. Enter admin into the username field. Enter a password into the password field of the Orbi login page.
  8. When you will be able to access the routers’ admin panel, then tap the menu button. It is in the upper left corner.
  9. After that select settings,>then go to the router settings. After that scroll down and check for the available updates.
  10. If you see any firmware update, then click to install it. Thus, the firmware of your Orbi router has upgraded successfully.

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